car design, american car design, car design studio, auto car, automotive car design

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Site Map

This page is designed to assist you in navigation of

- Home - The main page of the site is the hub, this is regularly updated with new information and vehicles and all sections of the site can be accessed from here - with information becoming more specific as you move along any given category.

The main sections include:
- Car Review - This covers most review of cars. These are then linked to relevant sub-category pages including, Modified Car, Concept Car, Tips. With relevant articles linked throughout.

- Modified car - This covers modified cars from all styles such as Elegant Modified Cars, Sporty Modified Cars, Classic Modified Cars.

- Concept Car - This covers concept cars, and classic concept cars.

- Tips - a section listing some interesting cures for your car, tips to modify your car, and cures for boredom.

- Product - This links you to our sponsored links that provide many product you want with a best price. - Site Map - This link is designed to give you assistance page in navigation of

- Contact Us - This link give you a connection with us in any questions, suggestions, disclaim, for my blog by sending us messages trough email. Included in all the sections are specifictions and pictures of vehicles with articles, information, reviews and interviews where applicable. All areas of the site are expanding and improving with new material being added daily. This site is not intended as an A-Z reference for every single vehicle ever made, instead it focuses on the more unusual and exciting designs and concepts. However if there is any thing you would like to see or think we have missed please feel free to contact us at. E-mail:


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